Thursday, January 23, 2014

New Stamp Issue: China - "50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between China and France" 新郵: 中國 - 《中法建交五十周年》

(Source: China Post 來源: 中國郵政)

On January 27, 2014, China Post will issue a set of two commemorative stamp "50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relations between China and France" (Jointly issued by China and France), you may come here to check the detail.


New Philatelic Product: Hong Kong - "Hong Kong Stamps Caring Mugs" 新郵: 香港 - 「香港郵票愛心杯」

(Source: Hong Kong Post 來源: 香港郵政)

Hong Kong Post has issued "Hong Kong Stamps Caring Mugs" on last week. There are two series: a set of twelve "12 Chinese Zodiac Stamps" and a set of three "Hong Kong Buses Stamps", sold separately. For each mug purchased, HK$5 will be donated to Sowers Action for the education aid for the poor or disabled students in rural China. You may come here to check the detail.

香港郵政剛在上星期發行了「香港郵票愛心杯」,分別是一套十二隻 "中國十二生肖郵票" 系列及一套三隻 "香港巴士郵票" 系列,可以單一購買。每售出一隻愛心杯,將捐出當中港幣5元給苗圃行動,作為中國助學計劃之用,可到這裡查看詳情。

New Stamp Issue: Hong Kong - "Heartwarming" 新郵: 香港 - 「心思心意」

(Source: Hong Kong Post 來源: 香港郵政)

On January 23, 2014, Hong Kong Post has issued a set of six stamps "Heartwarming", you may come here to check the detail.


New Stamp Issue: Taiwan - "Signature Taiwan Delicacies" 新郵: 台灣「臺灣特色美食 - 伴手禮」

(Source: Chunghwa Post 來源: 中華郵政)

On January 22, 2014, Chunghwa Post issued a set of four special stamps "Signature Taiwan Delicacies". You may come here to check the detail.

中華郵政在2014年1月22日發行了特種郵票「臺灣特色美食 - 伴手禮」一套四枚,可到這裡查看詳情。

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

New Stamp Issue: Hong Kong - "Gold and Silver Stamp Sheetlet on Lunar New Year Animals – Snake/Horse" 新郵: 香港 - 「十二生肖金銀郵票小型張 -靈蛇駿馬」

(Source: Hong Kong Post 來源: 香港郵政)

On January 11, 2014, Hong Kong Post issued "Gold and Silver Stamp Sheetlet on Lunar New Year Animals – Snake/Horse" with 22K gold-plated horse stamp and silver hot-foiled snake stamp, you may come here to check the detail.

香港郵政在2014年1月11日發行了「十二生肖金銀郵票小型張 -靈蛇駿馬」,小型張的蛇年及馬年郵票分別以銀箔燙壓和22K鍍金金片印製,可到這裡查看詳情。

New Stamp Issue: Hong Kong - "Year of the Horse" 新郵: 香港 - 「歲次甲年 (馬年)」

(Source: Hong Kong Post 來源: 香港郵政)

On January 11, 2014, Hong Kong Post issued a set of four special stamps, one stamp sheetlet and one silk stamp sheetlet "Year of the Horse", you may come here to check the detail.

香港郵政在2014年1月11日發行了特別郵票「歲次甲年 (馬年)」一套四枚,另推郵票小型張及絲綢郵票小型張,可到這裡查看詳情。

Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Stamp Issue: Taiwan - "Corals of Taiwan" 新郵: 台灣「臺灣珊瑚」

(Source: Chunghwa Post 來源: 中華郵政)

On January 8, 2014, Chunghwa Post will issue a set of four special stamps "Corals of Taiwan". You may come here to check the detail.


New Stamp Issue: Macau - "140th Anniversary of Conde de São Januário General Hospital" 新郵: 澳門 - 『仁伯爵綜合醫院140周年』

(Source: Macau Post 來源: 澳門郵政)

On January 6, 2014, Macau Post will issue a set of four stamps and a souvenir sheet "140th Anniversary of Conde de São Januário General Hospital", you may come here to check the detail.


New Stamp Issue: China - "Jia-Wu Year" 新郵: 中國 - 《甲年年》

(Source: China Post 來源: 中國郵政)

On January 5, 2014, China Post will issue a set of one special stamp "Jia-Wu Year", you may come here to check the detail.


New Stamp Issue: Macau - "Lunar Year of the Horse" 新郵: 澳門 - 『馬年』

(Source: Macau Post 來源: 澳門郵政)

On January 3, 2014, Macau Post will issue a set of five stamps and a souvenir sheet "Lunar year of the Horse", you may come here to check the detail.


New Stamp Issue: China - "Commemorating the Success of China's First Moon Landing" 新郵: 中國 - 《中國首次落月成功紀念》

(Source: China Post 來源: 中國郵政)

On January 1, 2014, China Post gave a special issue of a set of two stamps "Commemorating the Success of China's First Moon Landing", you may come here to check the detail.
